Monday, December 27, 2010


Was it when my sister's boyfriend gave me the Epic Mickey Wii game for Christmas without any prompting from either me or my sister? Was it when I DVR'd the Disney Park Christmas Parade and was miffed when my family didn't want to watch it with me. Was it when I put The Black Cauldron at the top of my Netflix queue just to see if it was as bad as people say it is? (It's not that bad!) Was it when my friend emailed me a New York Times op-ed titled "Who Killed the Disneyland Dream" and wrote "How could I read this and not think of you?" Was it on Christmas Eve after a third glass of Sauvignon Blanc watching my family's concerned expressions as I started a sentence "Well, Walt's original plan for Epcot was..."? Was it being stranded at the airport during the biggest snowstorm in years and thinking "Thank God this isn't happening when we're going to Disney." Was it reading an 800 page biography of Walt Disney and getting a little pissed off that the last 150 pages were footnotes? Was it writing my travel agent and telling her how jealous I was that she was getting to go on the Dis Unplugged Podcast Cruise? Was it going to the theater to watch Tron Legacy and thinking there was a chance I might enjoy it? (It's HORRIBLE)

What was the point of no return?

13 days until Disney.

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